Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Are Phone Apps Safe To use

Jailed: Death-crash trucker who smashed into queueing traffic on motorway was he using phone app at time?

Trucker Niall Yeldham has been jailed for four-and-a-half years after causing a rush hour pile up when he smashed into queuing traffic on the M62 near Rochdale last May.

A lorry driver smashed into queuing traffic at 56mph – shunting cars ‘like dominoes’ and killing a motorist.

Trucker Niall Yeldham, 35, has been jailed for four-and-a-half years after causing the rush hour pile up, on the M62 last May
Yeldham, who was 10 hours into his shift for a haulage company, was not looking at the road when his wagon plummeted into the traffic.

On impact, the cars crumpled together and commuter Ashfaq Ahmed, 36, was crushed inside his Proton Persona.

He was on his way to Salford where he worked as a security guard when the collision happened, at around 5pm on May 30, last year.

Mr Ahmed, who lived with his wife in Bradford, West Yorkshire, suffered horrific injuries and died at the scene.

Yeldham – who has three previous offences for driving whilst using a mobile phonedid not put on his brakes, Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court was told.
Investigations showed that the defendant did not send any texts or make any calls in the moments before the crash
But a Trucker Timer app – used to calculate how long drivers have been on the road – was open on his Samsung mobile phone when it was recovered from the scene. He later told police he could not remember what happened in the moments leading up to the crash.

Judge Mushtaq Khokhar told Yeldham: “Whether it was a phone App that distracted you or you were simply tired because you had started to drive at 7 o’clock in the morning, 10 hours earlier, one doesn’t know.”

But he added: “A car is a lethal weapon if it is not driven carefully. As a result of your bad piece of driving, a young man, a 36-year-old with all to live for, all the aspirations he had, lost his life. It’s a tragic case.” Yeldham was coming to the end of a
10-hour shift when he caused the pile-up, on the M62 near junction 20.
David Tempkin, prosecuting, told the court: “Other cars were slowing down but he drove straight into the traffic in front of him. The ensuing accident can only be described as terrible.”

Yeldham, of Wheatland Lane, Wallasey, Merseyside, had denied causing death by dangerous driving, but pleaded guilty on the morning of his trial.
Jonathan Gregg, defending, told the court his client was ‘a hard-working, family man’ with a wife and 10-year-old daughter
He lost his job at Freight First haulage in Runcorn as a result of the crash, it was said.
Pc Paul Joynson from GMP’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: “Yeldham did not set out that day to have a collision, but he took his eye off the road for a sustained period of time and collided with Mr Ashfaq’s car and caused his untimely death. He now has to live with the knowledge that his dangerous driving has resulted in the death of a much-loved family man.”

Monday, 12 September 2016

Trucker Timer Pro Video

This video shows just a few of the basic functions of Trucker Timer Pro.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Damaged Digital Tachograph Card ERROR 50

Damaged Digital Tachograph Card ERROR 50

Error 50 is the faulty driver card error message, you don't get any indication of what the exact fault is - just error 50 message.

Contact DVA to let them know card isn't working and they will make a note on their computer system right there and then, so if you get stopped driving without a digi tacho card there should be a reference to this on their system.

You can continue to drive without a card for a maximum of 15 days but you must post your card to the DVA within 7 days of the fault occurring. It is essential that you keep all printout records during this period and also make sure you sign each printout. I would personally do a 24 hour printout before starting the journey and another when you reach the end of your shift and make sure you write on the printouts your driver card number.

To apply for a replacement card you need to:
Complete form D777(NI), ‘Application for a digital tachograph driver card’
enclose your card if it is damaged

Submit your application to DVA along with a fee of £19 a new photograph is not required

Is it your card or the VU that's faulty.

Test your card:
referring to your Vehicle Unit (VU) manual in order to check that the code being displayed on the VU relates to a card error - Error 50
trying your card in another VU that you know is working correctly

Asking a colleague who has a card which is working correctly to test their card in your lorry’s VU

I hope this article has been useful and any comments appreciated.

Trucker Timer

Monday, 29 August 2016

Trucker Timer - Review

Hi Steve here,

An inexpensive simple device designed for UK truckers to manage HGV drivers hours.

This is a quick review of the HGV Timer Pro Trucker Timer for any new truckers who may be or have been considering purchasing this item to help them manage the UK Drivers Hours working time regulations.

HGV Pro Trucker Timer helps to keep you within the new Drivers Working Time Directive

HGV Pro Trucker Timer is an essential driving aid, even for those with digi cards!

Especially essential if you "multi swap" from digi card to paper tacho several during your driving day!

No more worry about VOSA finding driving hours/rest break infringements!!

No need for penalty points or heavy fines ever again with the help of HGV Pro trucker  Timer!!

Keeps your license safe and your job!!

Firstly, I'll start this review by stating that I have been a HGV driver for over 30 years now and have seen many changes in the haulage industry. One of the major changes was the introduction of the Analogue and Digital Tachograph  along with the Drivers Working Time Directive, which in my personal opinion was long overdue.

As a professional HGV driver it is essential that you have some way to track your daily driving hours, compulsory rest breaks, unloading and other work. Breaking any of these rules can see you lose your HGV license entitlement and even imprisonment - essentially losing your livelihood.

All HGV Drivers are obliged to ensure their compliance with the rules of the Drivers Working Time Directive

Failure to do so could leave the driver vulnerable to prosecution under the Transport Act 1968. With fines of up to £2500 per offence for non-fraudulent breaches of drivers hours, drivers should be more than eager to ensure their compliance.

There are a number of gadgets on the market to help you do this, and I've tried most but the Trucker Timer is in my professional opinion the best product in its price range.

OK, lets get back to my quick review.

Speaking as a professional truck driver with many years experience the  Trucker Timer is literally a godsend, especially for Multi Drop Drivers and Drivers who are required to swap from one vehicle to another several times per day as in my own personal circumstances.

Its very simple to use, the press of one button and your set to go – your maximum driver hours are clearly shown on the LCD display. Need to take a your 30 or 45 minute rest period break or unloading your vehicle? Simply press the stop button and the remainder of your allowed driving time is halted. 

The Trucker Timer will also manage your daily duty time if you so desire again, simply by the press of a button.a loud bleep for one full minute along with a visual flashing of the screen informs you of this fact.

The device is well constructed being made of ABS plastic and will take a few hard knocks. 

With CE Certification UK Spec.

Has a Large LCD screen with clear and readable information.

A handy compact device. Dimensions: 8.82 x 6.62 x 1.32 cm

Has a magnetic back so can easily be attached to a suitable mounting point, but I have found that a silicone grip pad does the job really well and only costs a £1 off ebay.

Do you really need a Trucker Timer?
Depends on how much you value your license  and what your driving routine entails. For example a multi drop delivery driver would most definitely benefit from this device, you would find it as indispensable as I do. On the other hand, if you only do one or two drops/trips per day then you can probably manage your times unaided.

But let me remind you it only requires one infringement and you may have to kiss goodbye to your license and/or open yourself to a heavy fine and even imprisonment.

I cannot really fault this item it comes with a full 12 month warranty and batteries are included. My only gripe would be the lack of a backlit screen for night time driving, that being said the devices screen is amply large enough to be clearly seen in most light conditions that you are likely to encounter in your daily shift.
A great tool for any HGV LGV driver to stay safe, stay legal, stay on the road with one thing less to worry about!!!
Simply Takes Seconds To Re-Programme - When The Driving Hours Law Changes!!
I hope this quick review has been of help and if you do decide to purchase click the official Amazon HGV Timer Pro link on the top of this page.

Penalties for infringement of drivers' hours rules in Great Britain

Penalties for infringements of the drivers' hours rules in Great Britain, with maximum fines as contained within Part VI of the Transport Act 1968 (as amended), are as follows:
  • failure to observe driving time, break or rest period rules: fine of up to £2,500 (Level 4);
  • failure to make or keep records under the GB domestic rules: fine of up to £2,500 (Level 4)

    These are just some of the maximum fines/punishments that can be imposed by a court of law.

Remember, it may be false economy not too purchase this device!!


Saturday, 14 September 2013

Essential Trucker Timer

Don't Take Chances With Your License

HGV driver jailed for tampering with tachograph

A Belgian HGV driver was jailed for attempting to hide the fact that he had not taken the required rest period before driving again.

Nico Demeyer attached a magnet to interfere with the signal sent to the digital tachograph in the vehicle. As a result the vehicle was recorded as stationary when it was actually on the road
Demeyer was originally stopped at 9am for a routine check on the A17 at Holdingham by the authorities. The tachograph was showing that the vehicle had not moved since 20:42 the previous day.

Demeyer had driven from Stansted Services to make a delivery and started his journey after just five hours rest instead of the legally required nine hours.

Demeyer, said he was trying to finish his deliveries early so that he could get home for the May Day Bank Holiday weekend in Belgium.  He admitted an offence of recording false tachograph information and was jailed for three months at Lincoln Crown Court.

Judge Sean Morris told him: “You told the police that you had done it before. It is quite clear to me that you would have gone on until you got caught.

“These laws exist to protect other road users. People in big, heavy, powerful vehicles who have not had enough sleep are like ticking time bombs. You could have nodded off and drifted into oncoming traffic and no-one would have stood a chance.”

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Trucker Timer - Special Offer

Trucker Timer

Helps you to plan your working day, rest periods and driving hours

A high quality HGV LGV UK Drivers Hours Trucker Timer that will make any drivers (especially multi drop) working day easier to plan and execute with more accuracy and consistency.

HGV Pro Driver Timer helps to keep you within the new Drivers Working Time Directive

HGV Pro Driver Timer is an essential driving aid, even for those with digi cards!

Especially essential if you "multi swap" from digi card to paper tacho during your driving day!

No more worry about VOSA finding driving hours/rest break infringements!!

No need for penalty points or fines ever again with the help of HGV Pro Driver Timer!!

Keeps your license safe and your job!!

Simply press the "START" button as you start your shift which will automatically input your stored daily driving hours from the built in memory or you can simply enter hours manually as below;

Enter 4.30 driving hours on T1

Enter 9 or 10 driving hours on T2

Enter 13 or 15 hours Maximum working time on T3 - and you are ready to start your daily shift.

When stopping for the 15 - 30 or full 45 minute mandatory driving break simply press T1 & T2 buttons to halt the countdown on the driving hours timers.

Then simply press clock/timer button to use the count up timer for the period you require on that break - You can split your rest time by putting the timer on hold and changing back to the Driver mode. The remaining 3o minutes break time can then be taken later, before your 4½ hours driving time runs out. when you have taken the mandatory rest period simply press start to continue with the countdown and resume driving again.

When stopping for (unloading, waiting) simply press T1 & T2 to halt the countdown on the driving hours, allowing T3 to continue with the 13 or 15 hours working day countdown - press start or T1 -T2 buttons to continue the countdown and resume driving.

Can also be used for your 11-hour (or more) daily rest period. Just set the countdown timer to 11 or more hours and press start. Your HGV timer will sound an audible alarm for one minute to let you know that you can safely start your daily driving shift.

Daily Rest: Daily rest can be taken in two segments if required the first a minimum of 3 hours the second a minimum of 9 hours. The full rest must be completed . Great for Trampers!!

A great tool for any HGV LGV driver to stay safe, stay legal, stay on the road with one thing less to worry about!!!

Simply Takes Seconds To Re-Programme - If The Driving Hours Law Changes!!

*Clock: 12 /24 Hour Clock. Displays Hr/Min/Sec(AM/PM) Alarm Function For Nights Out - Great for trampers!

*Count Up Timer: hours, minutes and seconds (used to time 15 - 30 or full 45 minutes break)

*Driving Hours Count  Timer: 3 sets - 4.30 hours, 9 or 10 hours,(Daily Driving Limit: 9 hours per day; may be increased to 10 hours twice per fixed week. You may only drive for 6 periods before you must take a Weekly Rest.)

*Daily Duty Time: is limited to 13 hours or 15 hours if a reduced Daily Rest is taken. As you approach the set hours the timer sounds a loud warning which must be cancelled by the driver confirming they have been made aware of the warning also the screen will flash for 1 minute once it reaches the set maximum driving time.

*Large LCD with clear and readable information on the screen

*HGV Driver Timer has a strong magnetic mount that will stick to any steel surface

*Large Stop/Start button

*CE Certification UK Spec
*Colour: White
*Material: ABS plastic
*Dimensions: 8.82 x 6.62 x 1.32 cm
*2 x long life button batteries included
*1 x comprehensive instruction guide
*1 x full 12 Month replacement guarantee